English Courses

  • Ielts

                           Course Outline

    • WRITING: write an essay; write a summary of a text; reconstruct a text from written notes; write formal letters; edit and correct own written texts.
    • READING: read critically; read intensively; demonstrate more advanced dictionary skills; demonstrate speed reading skills
    • LISTENING: listen critically; listen for a more detailed understanding of text; extract key points from an oral account; interpret context in conversation
    • SPEAKING: give a presentation; participate in an interview; participate in a group discussion; carry out goods and services transactions; report information, events and activities.
                                    Click Here To More Detail
  • Spoken English

                        Course Outline

    • English for everyday situation.
    • Basic Grammar (Sentences, Parts of Speech, tenses, active and passive voice, direct and indirect Narration).
    • Communication with people in the class room and in real situation in class excursion project.
    • Skills to Speak accurately and clearly.
    • Improving pronunciation and fluency.
    • Vocabulary Extending Program. (VEP)
    • Skills to path way of IELTS, abroad studies and job getting skills.
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  • A1 Toec

                           Course Outline

    • MODULE 1:Basic User CEFR level: A1 and A2
    • MODULE 1: Independent User CEFR level: B1
    • MODULE 3:Proficient User CEFR level: B2 and C1 
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  • Tofel 

                           Course Outline

      •   Session 1:Introduction to TOEFL® Methods & Assessment Session.
      •  2:Listening & Speaking Skills Session
      •  3:Reading & Writing Skills Session
      •  4:Reading & Writing Skills Session
      •  5:Listening & Speaking Skills
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